
Sarah Tanner


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Dr. Sarah Tanner is a licensed naturopathic doctor who owns and operates Natural Choices Health Care, a multidisciplinary clinic located in Halifax. She graduated from The Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine (CCNM) in Toronto, Ontario and holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Dalhousie University in Halifax. Dr. Tanner is a member of the Nova Scotia Association of Naturopathic Doctors as well as the Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors.

Dr. Sarah Tanner uses many different methods of treatment depending on the client and the concern. Dr. Tanner tries to get to the bottom of the concern and works with her clients to achieve that goal. The more detail the better!  Dr. Tanner is a licensed Bowen Therapist. She uses Bowen mainly to treat musculoskeletal conditions (especially those that don't respond to other physical therapies). Dr. Sarah Tanner has a diverse practice with clients of all ages but specializes in digestion, food intolerances, autoimmune conditions, pediatrics and women’s health.