
Contest - Mental Health

May 12, 2024

True or false - Is it important to have basic blood work done when someone is experiencing anxiety and / or depression?


It is always important to have basic blood work done when someone is experiencing a mental health concern.  While low or sub-optimal levels in testing often won't be a singular cause of mental health concerns, many factors can contribute to the symptoms we experience when we are under stress and experiencing anxiety, depression, or a other mental health concern.

Hypothyroidism (an underfunctioning thyroid), low iron levels or anemia, low vitamin B12, and low vitamin D are some things that can all result in us feeling low energy, low mood, and low motivation.  Hyperthyroidism (an over-functioning thyroid), and low iron/anemia can contribute to heart palpitations and feelings of nervousness and physical symptoms of anxiety.

From a preventative medicine approach, it is a good idea for everyone to have yearly blood work done and for anyone experiencing mental health concerns this is key to ensuring those basic foundational pieces of health are investigated and addressed in order to have any treatments, lifestyle changes, and counselling be as effective as possible.

Submitted by Dr. Tara Lantz, ND