
Is Melatonin supplementation is unsafe?

May 17, 2024

True or False: Melatonin supplementation is unsafe because it is addictive.

False - Melatonin supplementation is not addictive.

Melatonin is a natural hormone produced in the body when the sun sets to make you feel sleepy. Due to different lifestyle factors (like synthetic lights in our homes, cellphone and shift-work), our natural release of melatonin can be dampened leading to lower quality sleep. If you take melatonin regularly as a supplement, your body will further down regulate its own production to conserve resources. When you stop supplementation, your body may need a few days to reactivate those biochemical pathways to make its own melatonin again. During this "rebound" time, you may experience lower quality sleep, but it should only last 3-4 days. 

Submitted by Dr. Robin Roeslen, ND